Expert Group on measurement techniques

Expert Consultative Group on the measurement techniques and standards for electromagnetic characterization of nanostructured materials (WP2)

Here you can find the main documents with the group work results.

Also, please, see the "Special sessions" section for the contribution of the group members to the particular international forums on characterization.


1 Group members
2 Road map for experimental characterization of metamaterials
3 Recommendations on “How to choose the appropriate measurement technique for EM NSM characterization and the parameters’ evaluation”
4 Overview of the state-of-the-art and most promising measurement techniques (D2.1)
5 Overview of the state-of-the-art and most promising measurement techniques (D2.1 - January 2009 update)
6 Overview of the measurment techniques at the end of 2010 (T0+30)
7 Recommendation on appropriate measurement technique 2009