The work of the project is organized as a set or activities of Expert Consultative Groups.
These groups:
- share their own knowledge in this area, search and gather information from all available sources,
- systemize the information, discuss and evaluate the current trends and achievements in this field,
- establish a forum and coordinate efforts in the development and harmonisation of the methodologies for modelling, characterisation and parameter specifications of nanostructured materials
- coordinate activities in the development and standardisation of the measurement methodologies and test procedures
- prepare materials for dissemination.
The Expert Consultative Groups focus on homogenization and characterization theory, measurement techniques, and interpretation of measured results.
We pay special attention to educational activities for students, PhD students, researchers and engineers. Systemized knowledge in this area is delivered via special courses, review lectures, publication of review papers and web-based materials. Courses for PhD students and young researchers are organized within the framework of the Metamorphose European Doctoral Programmes on Metamaterials (EUPROMETA)