Fundamentals of Metamaterials Electromagnetics (Levi, Finland, 2009) |
Fundamentals of Metamaterials Electromagnetics
Although the main goal of this course was not directly realated to electromagnetic characterization (and contribution from the ECONAM project was quite small), we include its materials here, because the course gives an introduction to the basics of electromagnetic properties of complex composite materials.
Flyer download (in .doc format)
Time: November 16-20, 2009
Place: Sokos Hotel Levi, Levi ski resort, Lapland, Finland
This short course was designed for post-graduate students and young researchers starting or already working in the field of complex artificial electromagnetic materials (metamaterials). This is an introductory course which gives fundamental knowledge about electromagnetic materials and their effective parameters. This course also treats fundamental properties of plasmonic media and optical properties of metals and novel composites for plasmonic optical devices.
Here you can find lecture and exercise material from the course in PDF format and also the exercise problems and some solutions.
More information on the school is here.