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This page is for you if you work in the field of electromagnetic characterization of complex nanostructured materials and metamaterials.

You know that electromagnetic characterization of metamaterials poses a serious challenge for researchers. Many important questions still have no answers, and ECONAM is trying to help…

Here is your roadmap for the materials of this web site (the ECONAM project) and on some useful support material which can be found elsewhere.

ECONAM has two expert groups: Theory and modelling and Measurement techniques. They have produced overviews of the current status and recommendation papers.

The main form of the expert group work is organization of discussions on ECONAM special sessions:

Special session on Metamaterials’2009 Congress (see the proceedings here),

Special session on META 2010


Panel session at Metamaterials'2008.

On the above pages devoted to special sessions you can find also papers related to electromagnetic characterization presented in other sessions.

Educational activities of ECONAM have been in form of short courses, mainly for doctoral students and young researchers. Materials of these courses can be found here.

ECONAM authors published several review papers on this subject, including

C. Simovski, On electromagnetic characterization and homogenization of nanostructured metamaterials (review article), J. Optics, vol. 13, 013001, 2011.

C. R. Simovski, Material Parameters of Metamaterials (a review), Optics and Spectroscopy, vol. 107, no. 5, pp. 726–753, 2009.

You may enjoy, also, the presentations given at our specialised schools.

Section "Facilities"  contains information about experimental equipment used in electromagnetic characterization, including a database of facilities available in Europe and the recommended access rules.